It is so rewarding to be a yoga teacher. A lady comes for a one to one yoga session each week and her persistence has paid off in so many ways. The lovely thing for me, is that now we are looking back and seeing huge changes. We all know that yoga is not a quick fix and it does wonderful things for us, and this is proof.
When Ali first started coming to yoga, she was concerned about the rolls around her middle and hoped yoga may help. She also felt a little wearied from parenting and was feeling like she needed some time on her own to get in touch with herself more.
Months down the track of coming once a week, it is fantastic to see the changes. Ali looks so toned, but what I love is how she can hold quite difficult poses that before Ali couldn't even do. When Ali did her first wheel pose, we both felt excited. Now Ali can hold a full camel for 11 full yogic breaths and it is obvious her abs have toned because now she holds the boat pose for considerable length.
And that is only on a physical level. Ali never enjoyed the back bends, so when she does them and continually holds them for longer - mentally and emotionally it is very empowering for her. I also notice that Ali is more relaxed and happier within herself - this is another powerful effect of yoga. To see Ali gliding out the door after yoga - so serene and at peace with herself; taking her beautiful energy back into her life with her family and friends, I wonder what else could do this for her.