You imagining energy flowing outward from one
hand to the other transfers the human energy field.
Most people who practice the transference of energy
(Whether right handed or left handed.) seem to
experience the energy flowing from the right hand
to the left. Most imagine the energy as having a
golden or bluish-white color. In addition during the
transference of energy, the Mind needs to picture
the outcome it desires to achieve, such as that of
A good place to begin transferring your energy field
is with something as simple as energizing water.
Energized water can be used for maintaining health
and/or assisting the healing process, and because
our bodies consist of mostly water, what could be a
better place to start. As stated, water is a sort of
liquid tape recorder and can be impressed with
information with your Mind.
You can test the effects of energized water by
comparing the growth rate of seeds that have soaked
overnight in energized water to that of seeds that
have soaked overnight in regular water. To do this
experiment, separate the seeds into two batches,
enter a meditative state, and begin to energize the
water. While energizing the water, imagine on your
Mental Movie Screen how you are going to use the
water. For example, imagine that you are going to
place the seeds inside the energized water so that
they can soak overnight. You will then imagine that
the following morning you put the seeds inside a
sealed plastic bag and you that you place the bag of
seeds in a well-lit location. You then imagine that
the seeds begin to sprout and leaves begin to grow
very soon after that. For the other batch of seeds,
simple get regular water, let them soak in the same
manner, put them in a sealed plastic bag, and place
them in a similar location. In the days that follow,
you will notice that once the seeds begin to sprout,
the energized seeds will grow, and produce more
leaves faster than the seeds that were not in
energized water.
Energizing water is easy and effective. Even
children can energize water. Simply get a small
container, preferably made of glass, and fill it with
water. A drinking glass will do just fine. Place the
glass on a table; sit comfortably in front of the glass,
place your hands on either side of the glass and
enter a meditative state. Your hands do not need to
touch the glass, but they do need to be very close to
it. If your hands are touching the glass, make sure
they do not touch each other (Fingertips included)
so that the energy can flow from one hand to the
other and through the water instead of flowing from
hand to hand. While energizing the water, imagine
on your Mental Movie Screen exactly how you are
going to apply the water, and then finish your
programming by imagining the outcome you desire
to achieve. Energize the water for approximately
five minutes.
After energizing the water, come out of your
meditative state and apply the water as imagined or
Water can be programmed to be used in many ways
and must be used as programmed. For example:
*For general health problems, the water is
programmed to be ingested by you or a loved one.
As the water is ingested, mentally say "With each
sip of water, I send the pattern of perfection to every
cell of my body."
With this program, you would imagine the water
going into the body and influencing every other cell
in the body until health is achieved.
*For specific health problems, imagine the
energized water being ingested, going straight to the
area of concern and healing the problem (Causing
the specific organ to regain health or the specific
health problem to be corrected).
*For skin problems, rashes, and open cuts, program
the water to be applied on the skin directly. Use
distilled water for this application. For eyes, use an
eyedropper. For nose, use a nose spray.