I have been oil pulling for a while now and recommend it. I also recommend buying a copper tongue scraper to get rid of ama (undigested food that turns toxic when reabsorbed back into body - this looks like a white mucous covering the tongue first thing in the morning). These are bought from ayurvedic practitioners. In NZ Ayurveda Planet sells them online and so does Gerald Lopez. Toothbrushes are not as effective.
Back to oil pulling...
My friend has a plaque problem and used to go to hygenist every 3 months. After oil pulling, the hygenist said, 'I don't know what you have been doing, but you don't need to come back so often now - you don't have plaque.'
She had been oil pulling and said that was the only different thing that she had introduced.
The Single Most Effective Ayurvedic Practice for Your Mouth
everyone I know who cares about their body is eager to find ways to get
positive results without sacrificing the integrity of their own
well-being and the well-being of our lovely planet.
means those bleach trays and teeth whitening products on the market
don't exactly qualify. They have you ingesting boatloads of toxins like
coal tars, fluorides, aspartame, aluminum and benzene.
if having a healthy mouth and brighter, whiter teeth is a priority for
you, but ingesting carcinogens are not, you're going to love oil
Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic
ritual where you swish oil (like coconut oil, sesame oil or sunflower
oil) around in your mouth for about 20 minutes and then spit it out.
Dr. Bruce Fife, whose written an entire book on oil pulling, says the oil acts like a cleanser.
you put it in your mouth and work it around your teeth and gums it
“pulls” out bacteria and other debris. As simple as it is, oil pulling
has a very powerful detoxifying effect. Our mouths are the home to
billions of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other parasites and their
toxins. Candida and Streptococcus are common residents in our mouths. It
is these types of germs and their toxic waste products that cause gum
disease and tooth decay and contribute to many other health problems
including arthritis and heart disease. Our immune system is constantly
fighting these troublemakers. If our immune system becomes overloaded or
burdened by excessive stress, poor diet, environmental toxins and such,
these organisms can spread throughout the body causing secondary
infections and chronic inflammation, leading to any number of health
Although there's no scientific
evidence to support these claims, there are 3,000 years worth of
personal testimonials from people India and a growing number of
testimonials from people in the U.S.
I was
personally inspired to start doing it about a year ago to help repair
some of the damage I had done to my mouth and teeth from a decade of
having an eating disorder. The most noticeable effects for me have been
whiter teeth, healthier gums and more clear skin. It's been a great
addition to my morning routine!
When done daily this practice is incredibly effective for:
- Brightening & whitening teeth
- Healthier gums
- Removal of mucus
- Boosting the immune system
- Preventing bad breath
- Increasing energy
- Having a clearer mind
- Decreasing headaches
- Clearing the sinuses
- Alleviating allergies
- Better sleep
- More clearer skin
- Regulating menstrual cycles
- Decreasing inflammation
- Improving the lymphatic system
- Improving PMS symptoms
How to oil pull:
- Drink 1 cup of water on an empty stomach.
- Melt 1-3 tsp. of organic, cold-pressed vegetable oil (I like coconut oil the best) in your mouth or over very low heat in a double boiler.
- Swish through your mouth for 20 minutes while you’re busy doing something else. The first few times my gag reflexes reared themselves and it was a little difficult keeping the oil in my mouth, but I persisted and by the third day it was fine. If you have this problem too, I recommend sticking with it.
- Spit into trash, compost or outside in the grass (just not in the sink - we don’t want to clog the pipes).
- Swish water through your mouth to rinse.
Take Action Now:
- Get yourself some oil and try oil pulling tomorrow morning (I do it while I'm walking my dog).
- Leave a comment below with any thoughts, tips or ideas on the topic.
- Let your friends and family in on the oil pulling secret by sharing this post!
Published May 22, 2012 at 3:20 PM
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