7 Food Combinations That WON'T Wreak Havoc on Your Health
a few simple tweaks to your diet, proper food pairing can have you
experiencing more energy, better skin, better sleep and natural weight
loss within a couple of days. And, believe it or not, you don't have to
be a vegan, vegetarian or raw foodie to do get results.
gist of food combining is that different types of foods digest at
different rates. When you eat several foods that digest at different
rates your digestion gets out of whack and things begin to rot and
ferment in your body. This "sludge" turns into stored toxins. And, when
your body can't digest food properly it misses out on being able to
absorb the nutrients in food leaving you with low energy, breakouts and
poor sleep. It's an all around bad deal.
food combining guidelines take into account the speed at which food
digests. Fruit digests the quickest, then greens, then non-starchy
vegetables, then starches and then, digesting the slowest, is protein.
Eating foods in the correct order (according their transit times)
ensures a traffic jam-free (and toxin-free) digestive tract.
you get the combining right, your body gets to use the nutrients in the
food. This leaves you with more energy, which inevitably equals more
Here are the food combining basics:
- Starches Veggies = OK
- Proteins Veggies = OK
- Proteins Starches = No No
- Plant Proteins Plant Proteins = OK
- Animal Proteins Animal Proteins = No No
- Starches Starches = OK
- Fats Proteins = No No (or pair moderately)
- Fats Carbohydrates = OK
- Fats Starches = OK
- Fruits are best eaten on an empty stomach
- Fruit Raw greens = OK (except melons)
of these guidelines can seem overwhelming at first, but it's really
quite simple to find meals that work. As a compliment to the lovely
Nadya Andreeva's post, '10 Common Food Combinations that Wreck Havoc on Your Health', here are 7 Food Combinations That Won't Wreak Havoc on Your Health:
1. Avocado sushi rolls - Avocado is a fat and rice is a starch.
2. Baked chicken with broccoli - Eat the broccoli first because it's a non-starchy vegetable, which digests quicker than chicken, which is a protein.
3. Pasta Primavera - Pasta is a starch and the rest of the ingredients are veggies.
4. Salad with guacamole and corn chips - Eat the salad and guacamole first because they're veggies, then the corn chips, which are a starch.
5. Green salad and grilled fish - Eat the salad first, which is a plant veggie, and then fish second, which is an animal protein.
6. Apple, followed by scrambled eggs twenty minutes later - The fruit goes first because it digests the quickest, protein comes second because it digests the slowest.
7. Steak with lightly sautéed spinach - Eat the spinach first because it's a veggie, then the steak, which is an animal protein.
I invite you to try a couple of these meals this week OR switch up the order in which you're eating your current meals. Remember, fruits go first, followed by greens, non-starchy vegetables, starches and protein.
Please leave a comment below. What has been your experience with food combining? Does it make a difference?
Published February 2, 2012 at 10:30 AM
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