Thursday, October 24, 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

the power of natural therapies

On Monday morning I was bending and twisting as I was searching through a cupboard and a pain shot through my lower back. Oh no, I thought. Great - I have 3 yoga classes to teach tomorrow. Really quite painful.

I bought some arnica liquid, 200c, and put 3 drops under my tongue. I did my main central Jin Shin Jyutsu flow to bring energy and to harmonise the energy flow -  and also held my tailbone and pubic bone until I felt the energy. That afternoon a good friend came and gave me some Jin Shin Jyutsu (kidney and bladder flow) - both of which go through the lower back. My back was still quite tender, but I felt something happening energy wise during the Jin Shin Jyutsu.

The next morning I woke up and no pain at all. I did the 3 yoga classes and not one issue or reminder about how sore my back was yesterday.

Fantastic - no pain killers needed.