Wednesday, June 27, 2012

coming up...a workshop

something to enjoy when the weather is not so warm... a fun day in which you will learn your body type and how this can help you keep your body and mind in balance for the rest of your life so you can enjoy longevity with good health - the Ayurvedic way -which goes back 5000 years with its simple profound wisdom for self healing. We will also learn how to do a face massage with all its benefits- all in a relaxing setting at Waihi Beach.

You will receive a full lifestyle plan, morning and afternoon tea and a delicious lunch. After lunch will be yoga nidra (a guided deep relaxation session) and you will also learn how to give and receive an ayurvedic face massage. Blisss!

Saturday 4th August 9.30 to 4pm. $95 all inclusive
phone jeannette 07 863 4454 or 0273 855 636 or  email at

Monday, June 25, 2012

feel a cold coming on?

 A lady came to a yoga session last week and thanked me for the suggestion to stop a cold in its tracks. Well, it wasn't my brilliant idea - it is another yogic suggestion originating centuries ago - and as my mum said, if these old ideas didn't work they would have been phased out long ago.

Skip a meal and instead - sip on a cup of hot water in which a teaspoon of ground ginger, black pepper and cinnamon has been mixed.

It doesn't taste too bad  - it sounds worse than it tastes - and it certainly beats the horrible headiness and chestiness of a cold for days on end.

And remember maybe  a cold is your body's way of telling you to slow down. And if you don't listen, maybe your wise body will make you.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Stunning Waihi Beach

As the sun comes up Waihi Beach
looks stunning. Usually no one else on beach to share the beauty of a new day.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Read the website about a yoga conference in the States - the Yoga Alliance of Yoga Teachers that I belong to and thought this was an easy to read article about yoga and how it is so easy to do and good for everyone.