Friday, December 5, 2014

Mums and Babes Yoga

I so look forward to Mums and Babes Yoga on Tuesdays at 9am. The babies are so relaxed and seeing the mums and babes interact with so much love is heart warming. Another lovely part of the class is how the ladies from the next session, which starts at 10am, come in early and help out with cuddling the babies. Each baby has its own personality.  Just love seeing the mums get some relaxation time at the end and then off they go for a catch up over a coffee. A perfect morning.

Monday, August 18, 2014

An amazing weekend at Ohui

There is something very magical about the ashram at Opoutere. From the moment I arrive, I feel at peace. Hollie and I booked in for a Yoga Revival Weekend and were ready for it. The day was perfect and the first yoga session got us in the mood of rest and relaxation and connecting with our inner selves. Yoga Nidra was 'the icing on the cake'. Just love the food at the ashram, especially when Prashad is cooking. He has such a gift for preparing the most delectable food - after eating his food I always think how easy it would be to be a vegetarian.   Hollie and I went for a walk down the beach and were blessed with no clouds in the sky and of course the ocean reflecting tropical hues. We walked barefoot along the deserted surf beach, clowning around taking selfies and doing asanas. The afternoon session was philosophy with Shantimurti. Shantimurti is the most knowledgeable person I have ever had the privilege of meeting. I could listen to him for hours. Another beautiful meal and then kirtan. A day from paradise. The next day we got up for some yoga, then breakfast, walk and then karma yoga. It is all very nice to have yoga and meditation to learn wisdom and peace for oneself but equally important to share and give. Three of us volunteered to cut up firewood and we had such a good time -laughing, joking, sharing, chatting. Darling Atma invited Hollie and I to her house and we caught up with her and her dear little girl, Astrid. After lunch was nadi yoga and it left me buzzing with energy - my whole being was tingling with vibrations of sound. What a weekend!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Stage Six of Disease - Chronic

At the final stage the disease is fully manifested, with symptoms more severe. This stage is also known as ‘Differentiation’ because specialised features of disease become clear. For example, diabetes  may be recognised at Stage 5 but in Stage 6 characteristics of Stage 2 Diabetes becomes obvious.
Structural changes and complications to other organs take place in this stage.
An Ayurvedic doctor says the entire disease process may be reversed with proper treatment and will power.
Detoxification and purification, herbal medicines, dietary and lifestyle changes are incorporated for removal of excess doshas and then rejuvenation therapies using foods and herbs are used to rebuild and strengthen tissues.

Ayurvedic doctors say that tapping into the underlying current  of healing potential  with an open heart and ability in the belief to heal can help cure even the toughest illness.

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food (Hippocrates 460-377 BC)

Friday, August 8, 2014

Stage Five of Disease - Manifestation

Symptoms of the disease are clear. This is where most people visit the doctor for examination of symptoms to diagnose and treat the disease.

The excess aggravation of the body type (dosha) becomes further embedded within tissues during Manifestation stage. Using the same treatment methods as in stage 4 the disease process can still be successfully reversed.

Eating fresh, vibrant foods is essential during Manifestation stage. Emphasis on body type (dosha) balancing foods and smaller quantities.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Stage Four of Disease - Relocation

If not stopped by this stage it will spread to weak organs and systems within the body.
Weaknesses can result from many things: genetics, trauma, unresolved emotions, energetic blockages, addictions, infections, external pathogens. The imbalance mixes with  tissues in that area and creates functional imbalance at a much deeper cellular level.

If not treated here, it will develop into a full blown disease. An Ayurvedic doctor would treat with herbal medicines, dietary guidance, detoxification therapies and lifestyle changes – all geared towards pacifying imbalances, cleansing impurities from tissues ,eliminating toxins and promoting balance.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Stage Three of Disease - Spreading

During stage 3 the aggravated dosha spreads from its home seat and overflows into the general circulation of the body. Symptoms may appear elsewhere, but fluctuating and inconsistently.
They may still not seem like major problems.

These first 3 stages relate to general imbalances rather than particular diseases and if pacified before stage 4 it is a lot easier to regain balance. During the spreading phase, fasting, panchakarma (traditional system of detoxification) are effective - as is looking back over the past few months and  reflecting about what has caused the imbalances.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Stage One of Disease - Accumulation

During the first stage of disease, there may be a slight discomfort or even no symptoms at all. This is the beginning of accumulations.

According to Ayurveda, which is the sister science of Yoga -   the Science of Self Healing (and The World Health Organisation has called 'The Universal Health System', we are a different body type.
The body types are Vata, Pitta  and Kapha. We are all one or other or a mixture.

Each body type is made of different qualities - Vata has ether and air; Pitta has water and fire; Kapha has earth and water.

Each Body type needs different food types and exercise to keep in balance.

If you are Vata and you eat lots of dry, cold food and iced drinks each day, this will cause Vata to be aggravated and Vata will be increased more than the body can expel or pacify it, and accumulation will occur.

If you are Kapha and you eat lots of sweet food and not exercising, your Kapha will increase and you will accumulate too much Kapha.

If you are Pitta and you are eating lots of hot spicy food and salty snacks and exercising lots in the heat of the day, you will accumulate Pitta excess.

However, you may have no symptoms. Your body will be working to restore balance. You may notice if you are eating the wrong food for your body, you will intuitively crave something that your body needs, for example, if you are eating lots of cake you may start to crave light spicy food or a salad. Your body is trying to tell you to balance your diet.

By listening to your inner intelligence you have the ability to stop the disease process.

Early Symptoms of Disease
Anxiety, confusion, constipation, gas
irritability, alternating dry and loose stools, pressure or heat above the neck
sluggishness, congestion, bloating

Sunday, August 3, 2014

What Happens When We Get Sick and How Can We Stop our Sickness?

Ever wondered why we get a disease?
Well, it has taken six stages for our body to reach disease and at each stage we have the ability to heal our body.

If you agree with the following quote from Charaka Samhita, you may be interested in reading on...

Any treatment that attends only to the  symptoms is not a good therapy. The best treatment is one that balances the whole and does not create any other disorder.

or the quote from Hippocrates - the founder of modern medicine

Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease

If we habitually have excesses of certain foods, alcohol, drugs,  activities, emotions or ways of negative thinking - we begin the disease process. Repetitive imbalances over weeks, months, years, decades cause imbalances in our body and this is behind all disease.

Each day we will investigate each of the six stages of disease...