Monday, May 28, 2012

A new grand daughter born on Saturday 26th May at 10.44pm. What an amazing privilege to be present at a birth and I have such admiration for Hollie as she pushed her body to the limits to birth her daughter. Being there was a reminder  how children as blessings and gifts for us as we guide, love and appreciate them.

Hollie, my daughter was a legend - no pain relief, just total focus and in tune with her body and her baby. She chose to have dim light so the baby would be born in peaceful surroundings, a meditation CD to help Hollie through her fierce contractions, lavender oil burning for relaxation and positive, supportive midwives who said little apart from supporting and giving advice about pushing and pausing. Even as she was in the throes of pain, she still smiled and her beautiful nature shone through.

Right through Hollie's pregnancy she did pregnancy yoga. In the last month especially Hollie had Jin Shin Jyutsu treatments, reflexology treatments most days and in the last week, lots of acupressure as well. When I see how relaxed, healthy and positive Hollie has been right through her pregnancy I know what she did was very helpful - it could have been different - in the last month or so, Hollie had gestational diabetes - and she controlled her diabetes with her diet, so not only did she look amazing, keep her weight down, keep baby healthy - her family also benefited from a healthier awareness of  balanced diet and good food.

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