Tuesday, August 28, 2012

natural forces within us are the healers of disease

A friend shared this and I love it! Again, the power of our thoughts - this validates the yogic philosophy of ahimsa - non harming in thought, word and deed (including to ourselves through self talk) - it also validates the concept that we create our world - and if we are made up of mostly water, it makes sense that we need energised, pure water. I like the way it is so easy to energise our own water.
Healing Qualities of Water and

Useful Applications

by Laura Silva Quesada


Water has always been believed to have healing

qualities, and is the essential component of all life.

It comprises 70% of the Earth's surface, and 75% of

the human body. .

Water has electromagnetic and chemical qualities,

which make it able to break down substances into

their constituent parts, and to absorb energy

vibrations. It acts like a magnetic recording tape.

Like a tape, information can be impressed by

outside elements.

Research by Dr. Masaru Emoto done on crystals of

various types of frozen water seems to show that

besides environmental factors, thought; prayer,

sound and words impress an effect on water.

Dr. Emoto used a device called a Magnetic

Resonance Analyzer (MRA) and found that all

substances have their own unique magnetic

resonance field and must be understood functionally

at the atomic or even sub-atomic level in order to

achieve the complete cure of all diseases. Water

being the essential component to all life became one

focus of attention. Using the MRA he was able to

measure objects of interest in micro levels smaller

than molecules and believes he has discovered why

diseases occur.

According to Dr. Emoto, the specific vibrating wave

generated by the electrons orbiting the nucleus of an

atom, and believed to be the source of energy

behind the creation of

all things emits a magnetic

resonance. The magnetic resonance is influenced

both positively and negatively by our thoughts.

Negative thoughts influence microelements and

microorganisms in our body, including those in

water; in such a way that illness results. His belief is

that water is alive and has memory. Other research

even suggests that the information recorded in water

can be transferred to other water molecules. Dr.

Emoto suggests that the most effective cure for

disease is an awareness that we are living in

cooperation with microorganisms at each moment

of our lives and that they respond to thought.

It may then be concluded that positive thoughts

raise our own electro magnetic resonance, which

results in a higher quality of health. This resonance

is expressed in our human energy field, and seems

to be the best source for recording information onto

water since the human energy field is influenced by

our consciousness. The human energy field both

permeates the entire body and radiates outwards

inches, even feet beyond the body’s surface, and can

be easily projected through the hands. This human

energy field has been validated in scientific

laboratories as light emissions using photometers

and color filters.

The vibrations are believed to come from the atomic

and subatomic molecular activity of the human

cells: quantum physics has described that all matter,

which occupies space, contains potential atomic

energy that is released in small quantities as

electrons spin off. This explains why all matter has

an energy field.

Animate or living matter emits an energy field with

a higher frequency and with more active pattern

changes than those found in inanimate matter. The

human energy field is believed to have the highest

vibration of all living matter. In addition, the human

body is able to be both transmitters and receivers of

this energy field.

With your Mind, desire and imagery, you can

enhance your energy field and project or transfer it

for a specific purpose such as in the case of the

laying on of hands, and energizing water. In

addition, you can also impress your energy field

with specific information that can then be

transferred and used for a specific outcome.

2 The Silva Method

You imagining energy flowing outward from one

hand to the other transfers the human energy field.

Most people who practice the transference of energy

(Whether right handed or left handed.) seem to

experience the energy flowing from the right hand

to the left. Most imagine the energy as having a

golden or bluish-white color. In addition during the

transference of energy, the Mind needs to picture

the outcome it desires to achieve, such as that of


A good place to begin transferring your energy field

is with something as simple as energizing water.

Energized water can be used for maintaining health

and/or assisting the healing process, and because

our bodies consist of mostly water, what could be a

better place to start. As stated, water is a sort of

liquid tape recorder and can be impressed with

information with your Mind.

You can test the effects of energized water by

comparing the growth rate of seeds that have soaked

overnight in energized water to that of seeds that

have soaked overnight in regular water. To do this

experiment, separate the seeds into two batches,

enter a meditative state, and begin to energize the

water. While energizing the water, imagine on your

Mental Movie Screen how you are going to use the

water. For example, imagine that you are going to

place the seeds inside the energized water so that

they can soak overnight. You will then imagine that

the following morning you put the seeds inside a

sealed plastic bag and you that you place the bag of

seeds in a well-lit location. You then imagine that

the seeds begin to sprout and leaves begin to grow

very soon after that. For the other batch of seeds,

simple get regular water, let them soak in the same

manner, put them in a sealed plastic bag, and place

them in a similar location. In the days that follow,

you will notice that once the seeds begin to sprout,

the energized seeds will grow, and produce more

leaves faster than the seeds that were not in

energized water.

Energizing water is easy and effective. Even

children can energize water. Simply get a small

container, preferably made of glass, and fill it with

water. A drinking glass will do just fine. Place the

glass on a table; sit comfortably in front of the glass,

place your hands on either side of the glass and

enter a meditative state. Your hands do not need to

touch the glass, but they do need to be very close to

it. If your hands are touching the glass, make sure

they do not touch each other (Fingertips included)

so that the energy can flow from one hand to the

other and through the water instead of flowing from

hand to hand. While energizing the water, imagine

on your Mental Movie Screen exactly how you are

going to apply the water, and then finish your

programming by imagining the outcome you desire

to achieve. Energize the water for approximately

five minutes.

After energizing the water, come out of your

meditative state and apply the water as imagined or


Water can be programmed to be used in many ways

and must be used as programmed. For example:

*For general health problems, the water is

programmed to be ingested by you or a loved one.

As the water is ingested, mentally say "With each

sip of water, I send the pattern of perfection to every

cell of my body."

With this program, you would imagine the water

going into the body and influencing every other cell

in the body until health is achieved.

*For specific health problems, imagine the

energized water being ingested, going straight to the

area of concern and healing the problem (Causing

the specific organ to regain health or the specific

health problem to be corrected).

*For skin problems, rashes, and open cuts, program

the water to be applied on the skin directly. Use

distilled water for this application. For eyes, use an

eyedropper. For nose, use a nose spray.

Natural forces within us

are the healers of disease.


The Silva Method 3

*You can energize water for your pets and plants as


Drink energized water, and get healthy! Once you

learn to energize water; it’s just as easy to energize

your food as well. To your health - Cheers!

Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work is chronicled in his


Messages from Water, and Messages from

Water Part 2.

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