Monday, January 10, 2011

Had an amazing day today. Two lovely English ladies are staying at Waihi Beach and had booked in for a Day Retreat. Each year the mum comes from the UK and spends time with her daughter. During their holiday both take time out to do something special together. We met on the beach at 6am - right down the north end with a cave behind us and bush to the left and a 10km surf beach to right. The sun was just coming up over the ocean as we did salutes to the sun. We loved the yoga experience and stayed on the beach for over an hour enjoying the scenery and yoga. Breakfast (fresh fruit platter + cereal with assorted nuts, seeds and dried fruit and organic blueberries + warm bread from the oven with homemade jams + herbal teas and freshly ground coffee) was on the deck under our pohutakawa tree and then we went for a walk together through native bush with sea views. Next were reflexology sessions and saunas, then yoga nidra. Both ladies adored yoga nidra and said they had never experienced it before with its very deep relaxation. They ate lunch (mediterranean pasta dish with organic salad, drinks and biscotte) on the deck and we all decided it was a very special day - as their photos show.

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