Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Support for new mums

It is really hitting home to me about how a new mum has such a huge learning curve to deal with. My daughter, Marie, is in London and has Grace who is 5 weeks old. Her husband, Philip, is at work and does London time work with commuting etc - he would love to be more help but it is impossible to be in 2 places at once. Of course when he is home he does what he can to help. They live in a one bedroom house.
When Grace was new born, she had trouble feeding and it was found she was tongue tied so that was remedied. Then it was a very bad case of colic which was very stressful and has made both parents sleep deprived. Now Marie (my daughter) although loving Grace dearly and getting so much pleasure from her darling daughter, is having to work out how to get routines going for Grace. Grace is used to skin to skin time - and while this was comforting with the colic problems, Marie is finding she has no time whatsoever to herself during the day or night. Marie would like to give her the love and nurturing that a small baby needs - as well as having a moment for herself during the day. What a huge change from being a career woman to being at home caring for a baby.
I so wish I could be over there to help.
This is such a challenging time - physically and mentally that only those who have been through it would understand. The family unit is so important - and never to be underestimated.

Today all the ladies who have been to pregnancy yoga with me are meeting in a local cafe at Waihi Beach with their babies to share stories and support each other. We are going to meet every month on the first Tuesday at 10am.
I was so looking forward to going but Hollie rang this morning and James has a bad cough so I am looking after him today. How true that parenting is for life.
Many blessings to all new mums and dads and may they have love and support during this challenging time for them. I love you Marie, Philip and Grace.

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