Monday, August 4, 2014

Stage One of Disease - Accumulation

During the first stage of disease, there may be a slight discomfort or even no symptoms at all. This is the beginning of accumulations.

According to Ayurveda, which is the sister science of Yoga -   the Science of Self Healing (and The World Health Organisation has called 'The Universal Health System', we are a different body type.
The body types are Vata, Pitta  and Kapha. We are all one or other or a mixture.

Each body type is made of different qualities - Vata has ether and air; Pitta has water and fire; Kapha has earth and water.

Each Body type needs different food types and exercise to keep in balance.

If you are Vata and you eat lots of dry, cold food and iced drinks each day, this will cause Vata to be aggravated and Vata will be increased more than the body can expel or pacify it, and accumulation will occur.

If you are Kapha and you eat lots of sweet food and not exercising, your Kapha will increase and you will accumulate too much Kapha.

If you are Pitta and you are eating lots of hot spicy food and salty snacks and exercising lots in the heat of the day, you will accumulate Pitta excess.

However, you may have no symptoms. Your body will be working to restore balance. You may notice if you are eating the wrong food for your body, you will intuitively crave something that your body needs, for example, if you are eating lots of cake you may start to crave light spicy food or a salad. Your body is trying to tell you to balance your diet.

By listening to your inner intelligence you have the ability to stop the disease process.

Early Symptoms of Disease
Anxiety, confusion, constipation, gas
irritability, alternating dry and loose stools, pressure or heat above the neck
sluggishness, congestion, bloating

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