Saturday, August 9, 2014

Stage Six of Disease - Chronic

At the final stage the disease is fully manifested, with symptoms more severe. This stage is also known as ‘Differentiation’ because specialised features of disease become clear. For example, diabetes  may be recognised at Stage 5 but in Stage 6 characteristics of Stage 2 Diabetes becomes obvious.
Structural changes and complications to other organs take place in this stage.
An Ayurvedic doctor says the entire disease process may be reversed with proper treatment and will power.
Detoxification and purification, herbal medicines, dietary and lifestyle changes are incorporated for removal of excess doshas and then rejuvenation therapies using foods and herbs are used to rebuild and strengthen tissues.

Ayurvedic doctors say that tapping into the underlying current  of healing potential  with an open heart and ability in the belief to heal can help cure even the toughest illness.

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food (Hippocrates 460-377 BC)

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